Monday, February 20, 2017

Edgeworthia chrysantha

So many warm days, in the 70's, this February.
I am afraid my early blueberry 'O'Neal' is opening it's flowers.
Certain to be shriveled  before our last frost date of APRIL 10th, seven weeks away!

One plant that blooms this time of year is the Chinese paper bush.
Mine is from cuttings I took from Ellie's huge plant situated beside her dryer vent.
I always wondered if that warm air had anything to do with it's magnificence.
Anyway, mine, after several years, is about 3 ft tall & wide.
It is at the back in front of the potting shed & gets mostly shade. It has significant competition  for moisture & nutrients from the surrounding trees. This may be why a cutting planted at the same time in friend Lynne's garden, which has pride of place next to her porch, is 5ft tall & wide! 
Take note of this gardening lesson.

The most delightful aspect of this plant is it's fragrance to draw you out into the garden even if it's not warm & sunny in February
After leaf drop in the fall older plants get exfoliating bark. 
I was lucky to get this photo of a honey bee enjoying the flowers yesterday.

This blog has lots of lovely photos & information on Edgeworthia
The writer appears to garden north of the Delaware Valley