Friday, May 31, 2013

Sugar Snaps have Succumed

A group went to the Governor's Mansion in Raleigh the veggie garden was impressive. 
Cucumbers peppers cauliflower all ready to pick. My sugar snap peas have withered away but not from lack of water. They seem to have some kind of rot at the base. I have straw down there and potatoes growing at the bottom maybe that and the wet spring helped them on their way!
 A really short season this year but they are worth it.
Planning to try malabar spinach here soon.

We also saw Klein's Hardy Gardenia blooming as are mine.
Perfuming the air by the renovation of the garden room.
Although I love that these bloom early and the fragrance, the browning of the blooms makes me love the dwarf Gardenia radicans more.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Catchfly Again

One more.....
in the Wildflower Garden at the 
Pitt County Arboretum

with Blanket Flower 
(Gaillardia aristata)
Mealy Cup Sage 
(Salvia farinacea)


The European annual Silene ameria
It's hot pink color manages to brighten everything

With 'Paprika' Yarrow (Achillea)

With Butterfly Weed ( Asclepias tuberosa)

With Verbena bonariensis

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Rose Campion

This old fashioned flower (Lychnis coronaria)
is happy in full sun. 
It seeds around generously something I view as a plus although others might not.
Large gardens like mine need all the free plants they can get.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day 2013

A beautiful day to remember beautiful people.
(Yes, the Stars & Stripes is up there in the rose)

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Alan & Cardoon

Here is 5ft 9" tall Alan standing next to the Cardoon I grew from seed last year.
It has yet to flower,  more to come... 
Alan escaped!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

After the Rain

Zephyranthese robustus
The pink rain lily has burst into bloom at the edge of the driveway

Friday, May 24, 2013

Blueberries Battened Down

Today Brian and our friend Alan added the anti-bird netting
to the frame of the blueberry cage.
Let's see if those marauding Mockingbirds can get them now!
The blueberries are nice and fat after all the rain

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Rehmannia elata

I brought this Chinese foxglove with me as a seedling 10 years ago,
 it has not increased though I would like it to, but it does seem to travel around this small , dry, crowded area.
I do not deadhead it, always hoping it will seed itself.
 It grows in partial shade
seen here with the foliage of the 'Green Spice' Heuchera.
I have read it can become invasive,
mine seems to have diminished,
 at least it's happy this year.

The Whites Have It!

 The Oak Leaf Hydrangeas are just coming into bloom

As are the Southern magnolias

Snow Flurry Verbena with Catmint & Muhly Grass

Trachelospermum jasminodies over the garbage can!

Confederate Jasmine
so many flowers and fragrant too

Elderberry in the rain garden
I use the flowers for an Elderflower Cordial
The flower heads soaked with lime, lemon, ginger and sugar water for 6 days makes
a concentrate that you can dilute with water
for a refreshing summer drink.
I had thought to make Elderberry wine but the birds get all the berries before I can 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Lots of Rain

The last few days have been rainy and everything is lush and green.
Blooming 'Betty Corning'


Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sunday after Rain

The inch and half of rain yesterday has perked up the garden.
Before that we had a dry spell and the roses really liked the sunshine.

One of the old hybrid teas 

New Dawn over the front porch 

New Dawn over the entrance to the old veggie garden

Another old hybrid tea,  here before us

New Dawn over the entrance to the old veggie garden

Friday, May 17, 2013

On to the Arboretum

The truck is loaded

My friend Lynne has revamped the sedum window at the arboretum
It looks great!

Another 90 Degree Day

Today is preparation day for the Pitt County Arboretum plant sale.
I have some pretty nice roses and salvias and about 30 other different types of plants approximately 130 in all.
 We try very hard to present the plants in a professional manner. Teresa has done loads of lovely photos to let people see what the flowers look like, important as a selling tool, as many plants have yet to bloom
Watered plants ready to load in the truck

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Suddenly it's Summer!

This is the second day of over 90 degrees hot.
I am trying to water the lettuce out front to keep it for a few more days.

'Winter Density' hiding from the heat. Hot Lips Salvia in the background

Salvia 'Cherry Chief' is enjoying the heat from the driveway. This has been blooming for a few weeks.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mexican Feather Grass

This ornamental grass (Nasella tenuissima) loves it in my garden.
 The well draining soil and gravel driveway are the perfect growing & germinating media. 
You need plenty of sun, of course 
At it's best right now as it flowers and forms seed.
 It also adds lots of movement to the garden in even a gentle breeze.

Mexican Feather Grass in morning sun

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Still Spring

Only 44 this morning at 6am but bright and the sun is coming into the garden. Peter is eating the grass , well better than munching on my plants.
For this crisp mountain- like morning a photo of the Rhododendron Roseum elegans which is from the NC mountains. In it's 8th or 9th year from a gallon plant it has finally grown big enough to photograph.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Monday morning

The red buckeye (Aesculus pavia) blooming by the back rain barrel. This the first year it has bloomed well. A gift seedling from Nelda, must be 8 years old at least. Doing better since we have the overflow from the barrel 'feeding' it.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

Perfect weather today. Sunny and less than 80.
This morning's photos
1. The Rugosa rose 'Therese Bugnet" on the split rail fence is in full bloom smells wonderful too.
 2. The Cedar sage blooms in the dry shade under the Japanese Cedar on the park side.
 3. I call this "Peonies in Prison". The tepees and string hold up the heavy blossoms,
 the wire fence actually surrounds the old veggie garden. See the sugar snap peas in the background?

Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday May 10th 2013

I set this up to keep a record of my garden.
This is the circle in May 2011. A pretty picture to start

Hot today almost 90 and sunny