Friday, May 31, 2013

Sugar Snaps have Succumed

A group went to the Governor's Mansion in Raleigh the veggie garden was impressive. 
Cucumbers peppers cauliflower all ready to pick. My sugar snap peas have withered away but not from lack of water. They seem to have some kind of rot at the base. I have straw down there and potatoes growing at the bottom maybe that and the wet spring helped them on their way!
 A really short season this year but they are worth it.
Planning to try malabar spinach here soon.

We also saw Klein's Hardy Gardenia blooming as are mine.
Perfuming the air by the renovation of the garden room.
Although I love that these bloom early and the fragrance, the browning of the blooms makes me love the dwarf Gardenia radicans more.

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