Friday, February 14, 2014

Sabal minor sets seed

In clearing out the dead stalks of the swamp sunflowers (Helianthus angustifolia)
 from the rain garden I found a lot of these little single leaves.
Notice the little pleat already forming at the base.

Last year the Dwarf Palmetto (Sabal minor)
 I planted many years ago produced a flower stalk.  Covered up by the golden rod and swamp sunflowers in the fall I completely forgot about it. Seems it set seed and these already have a significant tap root. The ground is so loose after cold temperatures ice & snow that I was able to just pull these out, but this plant is difficult to dig once established. Breaking the tap root almost certainly kills the plant according to Growing Wild Nursery in Pender county.

Sabal minor has looked good all through this unusually cold winter and adds an architectural element to my distinctly wild garden.

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