Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Carolina Aster

A native plant of the south-east USA this lovely climber is a treat for us and the many pollinators that populate it before winter sets in. Faintly fragrant it winds it's way through whatever you provide. No stickers or tendrils to help it just a will to wind.

Mine is at the front of the rain garden covering a pole & a dead curly willow. (A weeping willow & a tri-coloured willow also died in the rain garden so I think I've got the message now!)

Aster carolinianus or Ameplaster carolinianus as it maybe now known can be cut back in the spring to curb it's enthusiasm if you must. A few seedlings but even in the rain garden not much to worry about. I'd love to see this take over from Japanese Honeysuckle in the surrounding woods but it is not nearly as vigorous.

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