Monday, March 16, 2015

Daffodil Days

A few warm days have brought so many things into bloom.
Early & scented this introduced heirloom (named in 1756 by Linnaeus) the Campernelle Jonquil (Narcissus x odorus L.) multiplies quickly.

'Ice Follies' is popular worldwide these have been in the ground at least 10 years & still blooming well by the bench under the redbud tree.

'February Gold' here with the Mexican Feather Grass (Nasella tenuissima) at the curb is early and increases & comes back reliably

1 comment:

  1. You have inspired me. I am working on my bulb order for this fall. I was researching Campernelle/Campernelli and came across your beautiful pics. Funny that I have different spellings depending on which garden catalog I look in. Cynthia
