Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Carolina Wrens in a King's Head

A few years ago, before we screened in the front porch, a Carolina Wren made a nest in this decorative king's head that I brought home from England.
When enclosing the porch my husband created a dog door by overlapping 2 pieces of fiberglass screening. This spring a Carolina Wren (they mate for life) made a nest in the same king's head.
Not only built a nest but fed & nurtured 5 baby birds by using the dog door. Hopping in & out by pushing the screen apart. 

When the babies made it out onto the porch they huddled together for a day or two & the parents tried feeding them by pushing food through the tiny holes in the screening but finally decided they had to come inside to be successful. We opened the doors to let them all fly out last week.
Such a delight to have the time to watch all this unfold.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Purple Tiers in the Shade Garden

The cool wet weather of late spring has made a lush shade garden

Above Chinese foxgloves (Rehmannia elata) that some call Beverly Bells
http://www.plantdelights.com/Rehmannia-elata-for-sale/Buy-Beverly-Bells/ is growing through Hydrangea serrata 'Beni Gaku'
Another delightful Hydrangea serrata is 'Purple Tiers'; a gift cutting from my friend Teresa. It has taken 2-3 years to get to this lovely little shrub.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Catchfly in Bloom

This week the annual Catchfly (Silene ameria) is in full bloom.

 I love this with the blue larkspur, above & below, it is covering the dying foliage of daffodils something it figured out on its own no interference from me.

 Opposite it has crossed the path to infiltrate the 'Paprika' Yarrow somewhat psychedelic.

Catchfly produces prolific seed & I usually collect some for other parts of the garden. Original seed came from Wildseed Farms in Texas.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Spring & Summer Flowers

This week I am so glad it is spring again with temperatures in the 70's & nights as low as 49.
We have a had quite a lot of rain & summery weather this month so things are growing well.

Larkspur & Poppies at the old veggie garden


Louisiana Iris in the rain garden

The Magnolia grandiflora is blooming as are the Kleim's Hardy Gardenias
I always think of these as June flowers
Most gardeners I talk to think things are getting hotter earlier
Butterfly Weed (Asclepias tuberosa) with Catmint (Nepeta 'Six Hills Giant')
& if you look carefully, a bee