Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Carolina Wrens in a King's Head

A few years ago, before we screened in the front porch, a Carolina Wren made a nest in this decorative king's head that I brought home from England.
When enclosing the porch my husband created a dog door by overlapping 2 pieces of fiberglass screening. This spring a Carolina Wren (they mate for life) made a nest in the same king's head.
Not only built a nest but fed & nurtured 5 baby birds by using the dog door. Hopping in & out by pushing the screen apart. 

When the babies made it out onto the porch they huddled together for a day or two & the parents tried feeding them by pushing food through the tiny holes in the screening but finally decided they had to come inside to be successful. We opened the doors to let them all fly out last week.
Such a delight to have the time to watch all this unfold.


  1. Loved the Carolina Wren story. We had a similar experience with our Florida screened porch. Didn't have a dog door so had to leave the people door open one day. Thanks for sharing.
