Sunday, October 23, 2016

Sungold Tomato Keeps on Giving

Tomatoes for Hallowene

The fruit has reached the other side of the arch

I planted this tomato plant at the outside of the trellis in May. Throughout a very wet growing year & a searing couple of months this summer it sulked & I almost pulled it out with the rest of the laggards. Hardly any fruit & frazzled foliage. Sungold  has always been a good provider for me even though I have root knot nematode in this area. I have tried marigolds & asparagus here both of which are supposed to discourage said nematodes. Maybe they are starting to have an effect.
This arch of cattle panel is about 6 ft high in the center
Deer have trimmed the foliage that hangs outside the fence but they don't seem to taste the fruit.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Rain Garden

After Hurricane Matthew, bright sunny days make the rain garden sparkle.
Even if rather left leaning!

 Swamp Sunflower & Beautyberry
Helianthus angustifolia & Calicarpa americana

What a way to start your day
coming out of the garage to hundreds of flowers enjoying the sunshine

Muhly Grass on a Misty Morning

Looking like something suitable for Halloween 
the Muhly Grass (Muhlenbergia capillaris) at the curb is weighed down with the morning mist

The Gaura mimics it's neighbor.
Gaura lindheimeri is unusually short & much more controlled this year.
The cars don't have to swing around it's trailing tentacles thanks to the dear deer!