Saturday, June 1, 2013

Fighting to be seen in the Circle

' Peachie's Pink' Stokesia
 a gift from my friend Teresa
 & Salvia farinacea
fighting to be seen through 
Mexican Feather Grass
in the circle.
Catchfly is in there too.

Butterfly Weed (Asclepias tuberosa)
waiting for those Monarchs
mushrooming through Mexican Feather Grass
with Catchfly and
 Rudbeckia just starting to bloom

1 comment:

  1. It's 'Peachie's Pick'. When Doris originally bought this she thought it was 'Pink', but they kept blooming lavender/blue. She rechecked the tag and realized it was piCk not piNk. She didn't want it anymore and hence it is in my garden.
