Thursday, July 11, 2013


The non stop growing 'Sungold' tomato in the front veggie garden.
Sungold tomato tree
Cherokee Purple on it's own root
Since this is my experiment it is very unscientific. I grafted two Cherokee Purple tomatoes on to Sungold rootstock. Planted the grafted plants a couple of weeks after the "real thing" 

 Pulled off all the very misshapen Cherokee Purple fruit on both grafted and own root plants.
I have no idea of yields. My husband said I should weigh all produce, well that's him but not me.
However, here is some evidence.
Cherokee Purple grafted on to Sungold

Cherokee Purple grafted on to Sungold
All the plants have ghastly  looking lower leaves but seem to grow out of it. Maybe they are adults now

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