Saturday, October 5, 2013


I planted (Trapaeolum) seed 2 years ago at the edges of the raised beds in the old veggie garden.
 Never had success with them in pots or in the ground past springtime.

 All those pictures of Claude Monet's garden at Giverny and the nasturtiums on the gravel paths call to me as well as my experience as a child. In the early 1950's at our inner London city school we were , for a few pennies, allowed to join the
 "Little Flower Lovers League", you got a badge and a small terra cotta flower pot and a few nasturtium seeds. We probably used 'dirt' out of the garden. In winter we got a daffodil bulb which we planted and kept in the cupboard under the stairs until it started to grow. I still remember how enthralling it was for a city kid.

Enough daydreaming...last year my 2 packets of Nasturtium seeds did rather well and lasted long enough to set seed. Lo and behold they self seeded and here is the result today

I hope they continue to set and self seed along with the collards and mustard. Tidy gardeners take note.

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