Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Planted this pretty Black Seeded Simpson lettuce
 in mid September on the site of a compost pile.
The frame of row cover is in place for those frosty nights.
Trying to keep the ants in the adjacent compost pile out of here

In early October planted a lettuce seed mix in this old wooden drawer
Lettuce only needs about 4 inches of soil

Just enough for leaves on sandwiches
they are oh so tender

These collards result from plants I let go to seed last winter
Over the years I have had seed of 'Asian' collards, 'Champion' collards & 'Georgia' collards
also plants of yellow cabbage collards from the Collard Shack in Ayden NC
I always let a couple of plants go to seed, collecting some and letting the others fall where they may.
I like to think this open pollination method means I have my own variety now.

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