Monday, January 20, 2014

Lespedeza thungbergii 'Gibraltar'

This sub shrub or shrubby perennial, commonly known as bush clover, makes a huge display of pinky/ purple pea like flowers in late summer/fall. Mine sometimes blooms a bit in late spring as well.
You need a lot of room for this one.
The old stems with their curly tops make great pea sticks and stakes for floppy perennials. Cut them down now before new growth starts and save for when the perennials start to poke through the ground. Circle the floppies with the your sticks and later on make a 'cat's cradle' with twine around the stakes to support new growth of peonies; asters; verbascum etc.
Or, use them to create a natural sculpture for the beds & borders while most plants are still sleeping.

I have not noticed any seedlings, but on this link you will note that it is considered invasive in parts of the country.

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