Monday, March 10, 2014

Fire Tower Road Daffodils

When we moved to Greenville 11 years ago there were horses in a field on Fire Tower Road. Every spring I noticed bunches of daffodils would pop up no doubt enjoying the excellent fertilizer provided by said horses.
Now there is a gas station and a Wendy's at that location, but before the road crew got there my friend Pam and I took the truck and dug up some of the clumps. Over the years they have multiplied nicely.

In researching heirloom daffodil websites I was able to find out they are the so called Campernelle jonquil
 Narcissus x odorus L.
(The L. stands for Carl Linnaeus the 18th century Swedish botanist who named them)
Whatever you call them they are fragrant with cylindrical narrow leaves and some have several blooms per stem. I have put them in several places in the garden and shared them with friends to keep them viable, after all they have been around for hundreds of years we don't want to loose them now.

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