Monday, April 14, 2014

More Viburnums

Liking afternoon shade here the Double File Viburnum has been touted to trump Dogwood.

Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum not a tree but a very large shrub I love the way the flowers sit on top of the layered branches.

 I had the varieties 'Shasta' & 'Mariesii' at my last place and these are propagated from those but I don't remember which they are now.

Viburnum macrocephalum sometimes called Chinese Snowball has enormous flowers.

With Carolina Silver Bell

The flowers change from lime green to white
on this tall deciduous shrub. Prune after flowering to keep it in check.
Give this afternoon shade and some moisture in the soil and you will able to use these huge flowers for all your April wedding table arrangements or maybe even a bouquet.

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