Once I lived at an old homesite in Bladen County NC. It had been professionally landscaped at least 40 years before with lots of lovely Camellias. I was fortunate to be able to propagate some of them & bring them with me. Now large shrubs, these old varieties are a lovely reminder of that country place & a glorious addition to our current garden.
'Cleopatra' brought to Alabama from Japan about 1929 this semi double is tough as nails. Can be used as a hedge you often see it clipped into balls or squares (unfortunately).
It is one of the first "sasanquas" to bloom.
Mine-no-yuki (snow on the ridge)
brought to the USA in the 1890's seems to have a more open habit & loads of blooms. At the old garden I called it The Thanksgiving Camellia as it always seemed to be in bloom at that time. Try this with the foliage of Artemisia 'Powis Castle' for a magnificent monochromatic arrangement. Semi-double to Peony form it is slightly ragged looking which I prefer to the formal blooms.