Not all our trees are native to the SE USA but most are. These three deciduous ones show off their fall color before providing free mulch
Mockernut Hickory Carya tomentosa Squirrels love this tree and so do we. The fall yellow is spectacular. One of our dear departed dogs used to crunch open the nuts which have the tiniest kernel of food inside hence the common name.
Bald Cypress Taxodium disticum has some kind of borer but seems to be fighting it off. I will be devastated if it succumbs. We will have to increase it's bed as my husband cannot duck low enough to mow around it anymore.
Fringe Tree Chionanthus virginicus this turns out to be the female, it is said the male tree has showier flowers in spring but this is lovely just the same, forms a pleasing shape and turns this nice yellow before it drops it's leaves.
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