Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Bluebells & Baby Moon

Baby Moon a jonquil type miniature daffodil blooms at the edge of the driveway by the rain garden. Morning sun & afternoon shade seem to give it a long bloom period. It has increased delightfully.

So sweet & fragrant!

Hyacinthoides hispanica Spanish Bluebells are happy here too. They like the extra moisture at the edge of the driveway & rain garden. They do bloom in other parts of the garden that are shady but not quite so extravagantly. Hummingbirds like these perfectly shaped blooms that are open ahead of the many summer blooming tubular blossoms. We saw a hummer sipping from a bluebell this week.

1 comment:

  1. Just beautiful. You are a hard working gardener! Enjoying your photos and comments. I just planted Baby Moons last year. Hope mine do as well as yours and multiply quickly. I've recently retired and moved to a place that needs plenty of work and needs lots of bulbs divided as they barely bloom now. Will check back to see what summer brings in your beautiful yard. :-) loved the Thalia quote. Cynthia
