Saturday, April 4, 2015

Last of the Daffodils

Two Narcissus triandrus (several nodding flowers per stem)
The pure white  & oh so fragrant Victorian era 'Thalia'. A journalist for 'The Guardian' newspaper suggests  'Thalia' hails from the breeding days when blithe and demure won over bold and brassy. It's a pure white daffodil with two or three heads, each with slightly recurved outer petals. Like Sally Field in The Flying Nun, it is full of spring cheer. 

& in pale yellow  Narcissus 'Hawera' a New Zealander

Below, new this year, 'Jack Snipe' a cyclamineus daffodil (usually with a long trumpet) & vaguely like the flowers of cyclamen. I try to plant daffodils so that they come up in bunches.
It think it gives a much better look than single bulbs all over the place 

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