Tuesday, August 4, 2015


The fruit is ripening on the 'Celeste' fig tree which this year is about 15 ft tall & almost as wide. I first planted this about 10 years ago further back in the garden to give it frost protection but there was not enough sun. Once moved to the edge of the gravel driveway it really took off.
I believe we will have to prune it down to a reachable height. The birds get a lot of the fruit. Mockingbirds sit on the overhead line & complain when we pick some for ourselves & Sandy dog really likes them but is not prepare  to harvest unlike our former furry friend who would pick the lower hanging fruit.

Celeste is a small fig but so sweet. Perfect with creamy blue cheese & wine, but what isn't?

The 'Brown Turkey' in front of the house was so distressed last year that I cut it to the ground this spring. It responded by shooting up as a multi seemed bush I think I'll keep it that way. A few small green figs are forming I wonder if they will ripen before frost.

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