Thursday, October 22, 2015

Showy Natives for October

The usual tangle of mostly native plants in the rain garden.

Swamp sunflower (Helianthus angustifolius) falling over Goldenrod (Solidago). Goldenrod, (not the cause of excessive sneezing BTW) is the state flower of Kentucky; Nebraska & South Carolina even if they might be slightly different species.
The vining plant is Carolina aster (Aster carolinianus or maybe Ampelaster carolinianus)
it has no tendrils or suckers but weaves its way through other plants or trellis.

In the circle the Amsonia hubrichtii is starting to get its yellow foliage before going dormant and the Aster grandiflorus makes a nice contrast.
Also in there the native coral honeysuckle
( Lonicera sempervirens) but out of flower now

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