Friday, November 13, 2015

Meyer Lemon Tree

Since it will drop into the 30's this weekend the lemon trees are in the garden room. After a long summer outside at the edge of the circle they moved onto the south facing porch when we had an October dip in temperatures but now it's time to head indoors. They will just get the afternoon sun at a west facing window but it seemed enough last year & is their only option to stay warm.

 The flowers are so scented they fill the room & will have to be hand pollinated with a feather.
There are 3 large lemons on the older tree & 5 smallish lemons on the shrubby plant. Probably should have removed some of those.  Hopefully they will be ripe by Christmas.

I bought a granular citrus fertilizer & applied every month but the dark green leaves & healthy crop of flowers I also put down to my homemade liquid comfrey concoction.
There is lots of advice from YouTube videos on how to grow these tropical trees. I like the one from Logees.

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