Thursday, November 5, 2015

Red Buckeye

Aesculus pavia the small tree known as Red Buckeye lost it's leaves a while ago. Often the squirrels get to the seeds before I do. According to the Wildflower Center in Texas they are full of fat so are either eaten or degrade quickly after dropping. This year it has been so wet especially for the last week or so the seeds are sprouting before they have a chance to drop to the ground.

 Hard to see but in the top photo the shoot is poking out of the seed. The middle photo looks as if the 'Pink Snow' Camellia sasanqua is growing out of the seed pod but that's just an optical illusion.
Below the seeds ready for potting see that they are ready to root.

Learn more of this slow growing but interesting native tree.

 My seedling, now 10 feet tall, a gift seedling from Nelda's tree, is probably 15 years old. Another gardening example of delayed gratification!

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