Saturday, April 5, 2014

Late Daffodils

After a few days of very hot weather all the late daffodils are out.

This sweetly scented all white
triandrus daffodil 'Thalia"has more than one flower per stalk. Blooming after the 'Ice Follies' it helps to extend the bloom period. Great for an area where yellow would clash with other spring bloomers.

Here is 'Baby Moon' a miniature 
the foliage is cylindrical and flowers are only the size of a quarter but lots of blooms per stem and multiplying nicely they make a great show

Geranium is so fragrant it fills the air with it's perfume so put it where you will pass by often. Several flowers clustered at the top of tall stems.
Blooms after the large cups that I have in the circle dead head those to show off this delightful 1930's selection.

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