Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Spanish Bluebells, Comfrey & others

Hyacinthoides hispanica was also known as Scilla hispanica, wood hyacinth or Spanish Bluebells.There are some pink ones around but why get (the rather insipid) pink when it's a BLUEbell? Blooms in quite a bit of shade and in our climate likes that and a moist soil will get the best results. Multiplies and naturalizes nicely.

 With Comfrey (Symphytum officianale)
mine blooms white, by the compost.
Comfrey produces a wealth of leaves , is a great compost booster and owing to it's high potassium content a marvelous mulch for peppers & tomatoes. Plant it carefully it is difficult to remove and spreads but if you use the leaves & flower stalks it cuts down it's progress.
You can see from it's botanical name it was used for medicinal purposes BUT it contains toxic chemicals you can die from ingesting comfrey concoctions. Keep it in the garden.

Bluebells with Red Twig Dogwood at the entrance to the rain garden 

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