Sunday, May 25, 2014

Blue Spires

I absolutely love blue in the garden it compliments almost everything.

Above Salvia farinacea 'Victoria' a petite version of the native.
Sometimes sold as an annual I have had one clump of this perennial in my garden for 11 years.

At right Salvia 'Indigo Spires' which is a cross between
Salvia farinacea & Salvia longispicata.

This tall shrubby perennial is one of the earliest blooming Salvias and does it until frost.
You can't ask more than that!
Hummingbirds love it.

Here in the old veggie garden Larkspur grows with potatoes. You probably won't see this combination in many gardens!
 I used to have, it seemed,  hundreds of Larkspur in the circle but ravenous rabbits have gradually eaten them away. Now I let them (Larkspur, not the rabbits) grow in the fenced old vegetable garden to ensure I have these fabulous reseeding annuals. In an attempt to reduce pests and disease I am cottagizing (new word?) my garden and growing veggies among flowers. It makes watering rather a challenge though.

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