Sunday, May 11, 2014

Buddleia alternifolia

This unusual Chinese Buddleia is quite different from the much grown Buddleia davidii cultivars. Blooming on old wood it is important to hold off on pruning this until after it blooms. Don't cut this back in winter or you will have no flowers. Quite fragrant and with a weeping habit I saw this first at Longwood Gardens. They had trained it up multiple posts then allowed it to cascade down. What a sight!
I guess I probably started to do the same although on a smaller scale but as usual, for me, another plant came along that needed a trellis so it joined the Buddleia. Now it forms a tangle with the native Carolina climbing aster (Ampelaster carolinianus) which is just starting to leaf out. I really need to prune the whole lot this year, if there is time.

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