Sunday, July 31, 2016

Formosa Lily

Lilium formosanum is from Taiwan, formerly known as Formosa.

These are about 6ft tall in half a day sun under an old crape myrtle tree on the driveway.

This plant has two seasons of interest as the seed heads are rather ornamental.
Beware, if like me, you leave the seed-heads on for more than one year it depletes the bulb so that it does not bloom successfully in following years. 
After I deadheaded it for the next couple of years the flowers came back again.

In Australia this fragrant lily has escaped from gardens & is considered invasive .
It not only propagates by seed but also by increase of the bulb
 I have found the seedlings pop up all over the garden.
At right the dried seed heads in the potting shed.
They make great, tall, dried arrangements
if you like that kind of thing.
I am thinking of using just the pods to make a wreath
so many ideas, so little time.

An enormous number of seeds are stacked like 'Pringles' in the seed pods so no wonder they seed around.
I read that they will bloom in just a couple of seasons.
I usually just dig up seedlings & pot them up for the
Pitt County Arboretum Plant Sale

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